Bouquet of 25 or more Red Roses at the best price
Get now our best valued bouquet of 25 or more roses at the best price. We have created an exclusive offer for our customers, keeping the highest quality and freshest natural roses. If you are looking for a great bouquet of roses at a great price, our offer is sure to please you.
In the checkout process you can add more roses to your bouquet, choose the desired quantity
Giving 25 or more roses symbolizes "congratulations" in the language of flowers, so our bouquet of 25 roses is ideal to give when we want to celebrate good news. It is also perfect if you want to give Valentine Flowers or send a Bouquet of Roses to show your love, because it is very romantic (and we decorate it in a special way).
Whether to congratulate for a birthday, to give congratulations or to celebrate your anniversary, giving 25 or more roses is something very special and at florestore we want to celebrate with you that special moment. For that reason, we take care of every detail in this bouquet full of passion, from its bouquet shape and the velvety touch of its red roses to all the small details that accompany this beautiful bouquet of roses. Hearts, organza ribbons and a special wrapping for the occasion. All taken care of with care and love.
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