Gerbera Bouquet
  • Gerbera Bouquet

did you know that...? Orange gerberas like the ones in our Gerbera Bouquet symbolize energy, enthusiasm and warmth. Give one of these as a gift Flower Bouquets if you want to convey confidence, satisfaction and passion for life.

Normal Bouquet 10 Gerberas

Medium Bouquet 15 Gerberas

Large Bouquet of 20 Gerberas

Make it more special by writing a message with lots of love. At FloreStore we have everything to make your Gerbera Bouquet simply unforgettable.

* Orientation photos. Flowers may vary depending on the time of the year.


Data sheet

two feet.

Gerbera Bouquet

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1 Destination
From 47€ Iva incl.
Choose the size: It 's normal

Productos seleccionados

Gerbera Bouquet It 's normal

From 47.00 €
Immediate availability

From 47.00 €
Tax included

Any questions? 935 955 525

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